In the previous terminal, if you haven’t closed it (otherwise repeat step 1. Again you need to follow one of the cvs or git instruction sets, but not both. Now you can download the latest version of the source code, so you can edit it locally in your computer. Through Applications » Accessories » Terminal you can open a new terminal: From the results choose 'Concurrent Versions System' and click on the Install button (if CVS is not already installed). To install CVS you should go to the magnifier on the right top side of the application, and enter 'cvs'. From the results choose 'fast, scalable, distributed revision control' and click on the Install button (if git is not already installed). To install git you should go to the magnifier on the right top side of the application, and enter 'git'. You only need one program, git or cvs, not both. This tutorial will also cover using the older cvs program. The preferred way to get PostgreSQL source code is to use the git version control software. (Remark: If you haven’t installed Ubuntu yet, we recommend the following Link: ) !!Important: An internet connection is required The manual has been tested on an Ubuntu Live Version to make sure that no required Software is already installed.
This page explains how to get quickly started if you want to use Eclipse to develop PostgreSQL.